Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Anesthesia Palpitations

Esoterismo grafico

La famosa incisione del pittore, incisore, matematico, filosofo, xilografo tedesco Albrecht Dürer "La melanconia" è piena di simboli molto interessanti, per molti rappresenta lo stato d'animo depresso del pensatore, incapace di passare all'azione, tipica del genio creativo.

Nell'incisione di Dürer strumenti scientifici e di carpenteria giacciono inutilizzati al suolo attorno alla figura disordinata e meditabonda della Melanconia. I piatti della bilancia sono empty, no one climbing a ladder, the greyhound is sleeping half-starved, the winged cherub waiting for dictation, as time passes in the hourglass at the top. The sphere and the tetrahedron, curiously truncated, suggesting the mathematical art of building. Apparently the scene is suffused with the moonlight. The lunar rainbow which curves up what appears to be a comet, it may mean the hope that the state of reduction steps.

A beautiful esoteric type of analysis on all the elements in this work can be found in this interesting article .

Personally, I would like to focus on an object great as the magic square in the upper right incision. The square is called symmetric because each number together with the numbers symmetrically opposite the center always gives 17.

Dürer has exchanged the two intermediate columns of this square (which does not change its properties) so that the two central cells of the lower line indicating the year in which he made the incision (1514 ).

There are also many groups of four cells (in addition to rows, columns and main diagonals), giving as a total of 34, the constant fourth-order, for example, the four corner cells, the four cells plants, with two by two square corner.

If this is not magic!


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