Saturday, February 26, 2011

Disposal Makeup Brushes

I bambini amano creare cose (anche tecnologiche)

We are creators, we create all the time about everything. None ci può fermare.
I bambini sono particolarmente interessati a creare cose, non parlo di lego o plastilina, parlo di mettere le mani su tecnologie destinate ai "grandi" ma accessibili anche a loro come processori, software open-source.
C'è una grande opportunità per il nostro futuro se diamo ai nostri figli la possibilità di divertirsi con la tecnologia.

La piccola Tech Ninja Sylvia, nel suo blog TN42 crea quanto di più tecnologico e avanzato si possa fare spiegando a grandi e piccini quanto sia semplice farlo!

Per ogni progetto fornisce tutti i link e strumenti che servono per realizzare una serigrafia casalinga

 Un sistema per duplicare i giocattoli

Un super razzo 

Alcuni progetti con arduino

O spettacolari invenzioni con la persistenza della visione

...e tu cosa farai con i tuoi bambini?

Friday, February 25, 2011

Chemicals In Soap That Affect Plant Growth

Workshop in sala posa Q

Workshop in room posing Q
originally uploaded by William Pristia

Wedding Words In Spanish

Workshop in sala posa H

Workshop posing in room H
originally uploaded by William Pristia

Monday, February 21, 2011

Phoenix Forums Nadine Jansen

In this link a nice shop online components sometimes difficult to find.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Men With Hairy Genitals

Dof Calculator

In this link you will find a small desktop application for Windows, written by me, for the calculation of depth of field for various cameras ed obiettivi.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Tna Jeff Hardy Haircut How Cut

Non capisci niente d'arte, sei proprio 'gnurante!

Mia figlia Selene trova un link di una azienda che a seguito della compilazione di un sondaggio promette il regalo di un bellissimo libro illustrato. Attracted by the beauty of the book, fill out the form and hits the fateful "enter" key.

few hours later received a phone call from a company announces that the book will be delivered by hand by one of their representatives. Mmmmm, this thing stinks to me ....
Saturday morning, the video shows the boy a jacket and tie, briefcase in black leather. With the block in landing an excuse to probe what kind of seller they are.
After some general chat not spring at all. I know where but I want to get more in a given: it is the famous publishing house FMR, a former Franco Maria Ricci, now foundation Marilena Ferrari.

Since the contact was with my daughter I want to see how he copes with her, on the other hand I did not request a gift book, much less visit to an art expert who wants to enlighten me about the wonders of this publishing house.
Having other things to do besides trying to network news on the FMR, occasionally followed the speeches prepared indoctrination guy. The timing of the negotiations were very long, the script was likely to target other types. Asking to close the affair, to deliver the volume free to the girl, and making it clear that we will never have purchased a book (beautiful) for € 2,500 but we would have fun in the bookshop to buy a ton for the same amount (including the non- was still to come show the volume in the business objects), the representative of this company is offended, he began to curse the ignorance of some people who say they love art but do not understand anything, blah, blah, blah. Finally after an hour of self-celebratory monologue the child starts looking for the next "lover." This

matieriale an extract of which I found online on the FMR
Service on Striscia la Notizia 'FMR Art'è

Service Raitre sent me on' FMR Art'è

Articles Republic sull'FMR Art'è

User reviews Blog free or nearly so. When

is said to take the art and put it aside ....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Softgun Walkie Talkie

The Simpsons - Mapple and Steve Mobs

One of the best parodies I've ever seen on Apple.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Interrupted Installation Of Rome Total War

Come creare foto 3D con qualsiasi fotocamera digitale

With a simple digital camera, editing software and a pair of 3D glasses (the ones with the red-blue lenses) you can make your own great photos of 3D by the method of ' anaglyph .

Let's see how to get to the final with 10 small step .
  1. Choose a subject that is not too flat, preferably with different elements spaced. You'll have to take two shots
  2. identical but with a slight difference between them. They should have a horizontal distance of about 6.5 cm, as well as the distance between our eyes.
    nearer the minor should be this distance. The more distant (landscape in the mountains) you can also space out the two shots a few feet to get a wonderful impression of depth.
  3. To make the two shots I recommend the method of the cha-cha-cha. Poggiatevi right leg and take the first picture, move your body behind these once on the left leg, and take the second picture.
  4. Upload two photos in Photoshop or similar software.
  5. Create a layer from the second photo and place it over sulla prima foto
  6. Diminuite l'opacità del livello per poterlo spostare ed adattare al primo. La scelta di un elemento da sovrapporre determinerà il punto in cui l'effetto 3D apparirà verso l'interno o verso l'esterno.
  7. Rimettere il valore dell'opacità a 100.
  8. Abilitare e disabilitare velocemente e ripetutamente il livello superiore per esser certi che l'effetto 3D sia ottimale.
  9. Dalle opzioni "opzioni di fusione" abilitare il solo canale del rosso "R", disabilitando i canali "G" e "B".
  10. Avete ottenuto uno scatto 3D che potrete gustarvi con gli occhialini Rosso-blu.
 Se non avete understood to follow this short video that shows all the steps to be done with Photoshop.

For the lazy, there are some free software such as Stereo Photo Maker to guide you through the process of creation. Personally I made the shots with a camera dual objective, the legendary Loreo, bought more than 10 years ago from California via the Internet.

This system used a photographic film from which I had to take, to develop, scan and process to arrive at the result discussed in the tutorial.

's been a bit of Annette and the same Loreo pulled out a beautiful lens mount on the Canon EOS 1000D with my daughter Selene.

And here revealed autoregalo my birthday!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Watch Free Online Yaoi Anime

Lezioni - Ripetizioni - Aiuto Compiti di Matematica a Torino

Teacher of Mathematics "G. Galilei" and 'IPSCT "CI Giluio of Turin, graduated with honors in Electronic Engineering, gives tuition, private lessons after school-to-upper middle school students in the following subjects: mathematics, physics, electronics, electrical engineering.

Lessons Cost: Middle School: 10 € / hour - High School: 12 € / hour as

Availability 2010/2011:
from Monday to Friday:
afternoon Saturday and Sunday: Full day

Contact: cell. 329-6126300 (rates Wind), 347-7251637 (Vodafone tariffs).
e-mail: @ vincenzo.internet

Location: Torino - Corso Trapani

You can find it al seguente link:
Lezioni di matematica a Torino

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Water From Rock Craft Moses

